Pre-test-post-test example Link

Pre-test Post-test

Pre-test/post-test comparisons allow assessment of a pedagogical or technological intervention/training by determining differences in learning outcomes that occur between two points in time – before and after the training. The comparisons will assess changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes as a direct result of the training. This is a common evaluative tool in training and education as its implementation is simple and its analysis does not require advanced statistical analysis.

Description Pre-test/Post-test comparisons consist of the following simple steps:
  • Define the learning outcomes/expectations
  • Create the measures/questions to capture the trainee knowledge on selected items based on the outcomes/expectations
  • Administer the pre-test
  • Conduct the pedagogical/technological intervention
  • Administer the post-test
  • Analyze the results/differences
Design/ThresholdWhile a true experimental design in which students would be randomly assigned to groups for learning outcome comparisons would be advantageous, most training in the International Learning Center (ILC) is not random. The trainees are pre-selected based on needs assessments of either the individual or the organization. Therefore, the Pre-test/Post-test assessment measures the learning acquisition of the individual only.

For establishing Thresholds of learning, they should be set based on the types of training offered. In the case of training methodology such as Training of the Trainers (TOT), the threshold should be 90%. For example, TOT trainees should be able to understand the essential elements of successful training delivery, be able to conduct needs assessments, develop a prospectus, create materials, competently deliver lectures, arrange training dynamics, and evaluate an event. For science based training, thresholds should be based on individual needs and the complexity and depth of the science based training.

A sample Pre-Test/Post-test for a recently held ILC training is attached for reference.